Thursday, July 15

Charbay Tequila featured in Men's Journal - August Edition - Page 38

Pick up a copy of the August Men's Journal - Charbay is featured!

The article is great - the author Jason Fine (he's also the Executive Editor for Rolling Stones Magazine) writes about his experience with Marko in Mexico, and differences between Lowlands Tequila and Highlands Tequila.

Here's a tease from the article:
"As the sun sets over the Sierra Madre mountains, [Marko] Karakasevic draws a bottle of Charbay Blanco that’s been hiding under a sweatshirt in the console of his Dodge SUV, takes a pull, then passes it to me. The taste is smooth and earthy up front, sweet going down, with hints of fresh honey and chamomile — nothing like the gasoline-charged shots that gave you a three-day hangover in college. “Tequila’s gotten a bad rap,” he says. “The good stuff is magical.”"

"CHARBAY: The first tequila made by these veteran California whiskey distillers is no typical
gringo export — it’s full of herbal fl avors from chamomile to cinnamon ($50)."
"Where to taste: Three terrific tequila bars in the U.S.:

109 Ludlow
Street, New York

5929 Geary
San Francisco

2934 Adams
San Diego

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