Monday, May 24

Doubled & Twisted named "Best New American Whiskey's"

Food & Wine Magazine
June Issue
Best New American Whiskeys
F&W's Emily Kaiser highlights America's latest whiskey revolutionaries—all renegades in the spirit of whiskey patriarch George Washington.

By Emily Kaiser
Americans have been making whiskey for longer than the States have been United. But, spurred by changes in the laws, a passion for local ingredients and a love of history, craft distillers are now producing exceptional spirits. Whether making whiskey out of beer or bottling unaged white whiskey (a.k.a. moonshine), these are some of the most creative new talents.

(She goes on to talk about fascinating moonshiners and local distillers, and then she talks about D & T - here's what she said)

Beer Geeks
Some of the country's best new whiskeys come from former beer brewers. It stands to reason: All whiskey is distilled from a mash of fermented grains—essentially, beer.

Charbay Winery & Distillery: St. Helena, California
Marko Karakasevic home-brewed beer in his youth before joining his father Miles's artisanal spirits company in St. Helena, California. His Charbay Whiskey Release II is the first in the U.S. to be distilled not from a still-made mash but from brewed pilsner beer. His new line, Doubled & Twisted (released in January), includes both aged and white whiskeys distilled from hop-rich California IPAs (India Pale Ales). "Doubled and twisted' is an old liquor term for the good stuff," Karakasevic explains. "When it reaches about 160 proof, the liquor coming off the still twists on itself like a chain."

Thank you Emily!

We are excited to ramp up our Light Whiskey program, what kind of beer would you like your whiskey to be distilled from? I know from personal experience.... Stout all the way, baby!

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