Thursday, April 29

Fantastic Coffee Cocktails

The sun is finally peaking out in CA, I'm thinking it's time for some nice cold coffee drinks, Charbay style! Check out these awesome creations from LeNell Smothers - the one and only Whiskey Wench - and Demian Camacho Santa Ana

Karakasevic Cafe'
1.5 ounces Charbay vodka
1/2 ounce Charbay walnut
1/4 ounce (barspoon) Charbay whiskey
fresh single espresso.
Shaken hard with ice and strain into chilled glass.

Morning, Mamasita!
1 ounce Charbay whiskey
1 ounce nut liqueur (Charbay walnut (if you are deprived, amaretto or creme de noyaux))
fresh single espresso
Shaken hard with ice and strain into chilled glass.
If you must garnish, make a flower with 3 coffee beans on top of liquid in cocktail glass.
*Not overly sweet. The funky, earthy notes of the whiskey accentuate the bitter espresso. Drier, nutty drink pairs great with a chocolate brownie or sweeter coffee cake*

Created by Casa Co'ctel, LeNell Smothers and Demian Camacho Santa Ana

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