Tuesday, July 13

Doubled & Twisted Review

This just in from Dr. by Day :)

Not that it’s been 2 months and moot by now or anything, but I won.

So now, as I sit here in Tucson, Arizona, where the sweltering heat has finally subsided to a mellow 93º, I find myself reflecting on the numerous new libations I’ve had a chance to taste over the past 2 months. Reminiscing over these - and weeding out those not conjured up by heat-stroke - I realized that I had yet to report on a very exciting find I had made at this years Whiskey’s of the World Expo. And this find is from a familiar face…

Marko and Children


After the release of their 2nd batch of Pilsner Whiskey that all but completely won my heart (I hold it in the same rung of excellency as A.H. Hirsh 16 year), I feel obligated to announce another (completely?) unrelated release from the epicurean wonderland that is Charbay Distillery.

Late last year, their head distiller - Marko Karakasevic - finished bottling what will be the first batch of his “dissertation” work to end his 26 year apprenticeship towards becoming a master distiller: a white IPA whiskey. Rested in steel drums for 4 years and aged for just one day in oak barrels, “Doubled and Twisted,” (an old term attributed to the distillates from copper pot stills which tend to ‘double and twist’ on themselves as they reach ~126 proof) was born of bottle-ready double IPA (which just so happens to be my favorite style of beer. …be still, my beating heart). I was lucky to try some before it was released and poured by Marko himself during the World of Whiskey Expo in San Francisco this past March, and was so taken with it (not to mention won over by the man behind the making; so fun!) that I had to find a bottle for myself the second it hit the shelves…even if that meant making a side-trip while visiting a friends up north.

Which I did.

Wow, I just realized that I haven’t actually reviewed a spirit in a long time!


Let’s do this thing:

Charbay’s Doubled and Twisted White Whiskey

Taster glass: pours crystal clear; neat.

Thick, beautiful trails on the inside of the glass. The nose is unmistakeably hot, yet heavy with parsley, fresh celery and caramelized orange (with pith). Heat carries over to the palate where it fades away into an oily, malty sweetness leaving a hint of grapefruit rind that quickly evaporates, leaving a pleasant finish of freshly cut hay, basil and hot earth. Lovely.

As is, this is such a young whiskey, I’d have easily classified it as an IPA Grappa. Excellent after meals on the rocks, I’d bet…but definitely in need of a little watering down (and oh man…selling at 1 liter, that should last you a while!). It’s a curious, beautiful lil’ bugger, and I’d be very excited to see what it will mature into after a couple of years in the barrel. Hats of to you, Mr. (Master!) Karakasevic.

Naturally, I found myself on a quest to find a cocktail that will best accentuate it’s uncommon palate. So far, I’ve tried a Negroni, which failed miserably (maybe not miserably…but far too intense between the heat and bitterness ohmygoodness). Next step: tone it down with a new take on a Ramos gin fizz.

Bottoms up!

D&T Whiskey. ~$58/1.0L

Written by: Dr. by Day :)

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